Education on medical cannabis
by clinicians and scientists
Our science team

Viola Brugnatelli
Neuroscientist and
General Manager
BSc Honours, Neuroscience
University of Dundee, Scotland; Scientific Researcher at University of Padua, Italy

Fabio Turco
Neurogastroenterologists and Scientific Director
Postdoctoral Researcher in Neurogastroenterology, University of Naples Federico II; Research Scientist at Ohio State University Wexner Medical Center
Our scientific committee

Raquel Abaladao
Professor of Pharmacology
Prof. of Pharmacology, University Rey Juan Carlos; Functional Coordinator of the Area of Pharmacology, Nutrition and Bromatology.
Madrid, Spain

Mikael Sodergren
MBChC (Hons), DIC, PhD, FRCS
Managing Director & Academic Lead, Sapphire Medical Clinics UK.
London, UK

Livio Luongo
Assoc. Prof. of Pharmacology
Department of Experimental Medicine, Division of Pharmacology, University of Campania.
Naples, Italy

Marco Ternelli
Galenic Pharmacist
Farmacia Ternelli.
Bibbiano, Italy

Janosch Kratz
Medical Doctor
Medical Director Europe, Khiron Life Sciences; Board Member, Zerenia Clinics UK.
Berlin, Germany

Luigi Bellocchio
French Institute of Health and Medical Research, Neurocentre Magendie.
Bordeaux, France

Javier Fernández-Ruiz
Universidad Complutense, Madrid, Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, School of Medicine.
Madrid, Spain

Adán de Salas Quiroga
Neuroscientist & medical cannabis researcher.
Madrid, Spain

Ines Reynoso Moreno
Universität Bern, Doctor in Biomedical Sciences.
Bern, Switzerland

Katarzyna Starowicz
Assoc. Prof. of Pharmacology
Institute of Pharmacology Polish Academy of Sciences.
Krakow, Poland

Our story
The science committee of Cannabiscientia, composed of medical doctors and associate professors from medical faculties of universities across Europe, has dedicated the past decade to advancing medical cannabis education. This includes studying topics such as the cannabis plant, the endocannabinoid system, and the effective utilization of cannabinoid medicines in treating various pathologies.
Our scientific committee comprises healthcare professionals who not only have a deep passion for the cannabis plant but also possess practical experience in its application.
Our mission
Establishing the foremost scientific hub for cannabinoid therapies, linking research, trained healthcare professionals, and patients.
Our vision
To expedite the comprehension and implementation of cannabinoid therapies at clinical and academic levels globally.

Principles of Clinical Cannabinology
Get your digital or paperback copy of the handbook.
30+ pathologies covered with clinical trials and scientific references.